on Long Island

While sticking to a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen are the best ways to lose weight, many people just can’t seem to get rid of fat pockets and cells from problem areas. This is particularly true for the legs, buttocks, hips, stomach, arms, chin, and neck. Liposuction can make the body look more sculpted and toned, thereby increasing one’s body image and level of self-assurance. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that targets these problem areas and leaves your body more sculpted and toned.

Liposuction begins with a small incision in the area to be liposuctioned. Next, a thin, hollow tube is inserted into the incision. Fat cells, pockets, and tissues are vacuumed out and discarded. Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia and can last two or more hours. Common side effects include temporary bruising, numbness, soreness, and burning sensations, but most of these effects will subside within a few days or weeks time. Once the area has healed, the patient should notice a firmer, tighter physique.

To learn more about Liposuction, please contact our practice today.