Mohs Surgery Reconstruction
on Long Island
Mohs surgery is often performed to surgically remove and cure a facial skin cancer. The procedure is performed by a dermatologist specially trained in these advanced techniques. Often, the facial defects resulting from the cancer removal are too large for the dermatologist to close without tension or distortion of the normal facial structures.
Mohs surgery reconstruction is performed by Dr. Harris in a process coordinated with your Mohs dermatologist. The goal of Mohs reconstruction is to recreate the most normal facial appearance with inconspicuous scars. During the initial consultation at Harris Plastic Surgery, which is typically done soon after the biopsy diagnosis of the skin cancer by the dermatologist, Dr. Harris will perform a detailed physical examination of the biopsied area. Based on the location of the planned Mohs procedure, direct closure, skin grafting, or flap reconstruction (moving adjacent tissue with its intact blood supply) will be discussed and recommendations made for the best functional and aesthetic outcome.
The Mohs reconstruction procedure is then coordinated to be done the same day as the Mohs procedure. It can be performed at Harris Plastic Surgery under local anesthesia or planned as an outpatient procedure that same day at the hospital. This is based on the level of complexity of the planned reconstruction as well as the patient’s general medical condition.
Mohs reconstruction can take 1–3 hours and usually suture removal is planned 1 week following surgery. The appearance of the scars is expected to improve over time with active scar management.